Banning Books In Schools

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For centuries now we have had the fundamental right to express ourselves, our values and our stories any way we want. This is guaranteed by the First Amendment, our freedom of speech and of press. Yet so many schools and libraries are ignoring those rights by banning books and challenging them. A banned books is one that has been censored by an authority- a government, a library, or a school system. A book that is banned is actually removed from a library or a school system.1 Is it really up to schools and libraries what rights they can take away from us simply because some administrators think a book is not appropriate, it’s violent, or even remotely too sexual? Schools and Public Libraries are the biggest contributors in challenging books.…show more content…
The choice of whether or not we should read certain books, I believe is a personal one. No government, school, or library should be able to dictate or censor our personal choice in reading material. Like Judy Blume once said, “Let children read whatever they want and then talk about it with them. If parents and kids can talk together, we won't have as much censorship because we won't have as much fear." You wouldn’t allow a ten year old to read Fifty Shades of Grey but you would someone who was mentally mature enough or eighteen years old to do so. It goes without saying that Fifty Shades of Grey is clearly not for children, it’s not only age inappropriate for children and sexually explicit. It’s self-evident that there are certain books that just shouldn’t be in our schools or school libraries and these are just some of the circumstances we must take into account when dealing with the banning of…show more content…
By banning books that are excessively violent to sexually explicit, we protect the innocence of our youth. Especially when these books encourage racism, sexual exploitations, and violence. It was found that the top reasons why books are banned are as follows; Racial Issues, Encouragement of “Damaging” Lifestyles, Blasphemous Dialog, Sexual situations or Dialog, Presence of Witchcraft, Religious Affiliations (unpopular religions), Political Bias, and Age Inappropriate.7 It goes without saying that banning certain books that have any explicit issues from age inappropriateness to racial issues would protect our

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