Essay Comparing Macbeth And A Streetcar Named Desire

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Drama is described as a form of art that recognizes the important aspects of a person's life while excluding the unimportant aspects to create a more entertaining and inspirational play. In the text Macbeth by William Shakespeare and the text A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams, both authors deal with the interesting aspects of life to show that drama has a direct connection to the life of any individual disregarding the dull moments. Specifically through the definition and purpose of drama in plays, both authors successfully prove that the lives of people is basically the drama within plays with the avoidance of using any irrelevant aspects that do not contribute to the overall message of the play. Life is the general condition…show more content…
The introduction of Blanche represents “her appearance [as] incongruous to the setting. She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and earrings of pearl, white gloves and hat, looking as if she were arriving at a summer tea or cocktail party in the garden district.” (15) Through Blanche's initial appearance, it can be portrayed that Blanche comes from a family within the ranks of high class and is now visiting a place that is of the middle or lower class. Furthermore, her white clothing is a symbol of innocence and being worn by Blanche, it entails her as being an innocent character in the play. Nevertheless, her name indeed also shows a sense of innocence as Blanche is translated as the feminine version of white in English. Furthermore, her innocent identity displays the qualities of a female especially during their time period. However, when comparing Blanche's appearance and her reality, she is rather expressed as the “red satin robe” (21) and her characteristics being the exact opposite of her initial appearance. Her nature very well contrasts with the Stanley as he is a symbol of realism within the play. His appearance

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