Asos Analysis

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Industry and Marketing Analysis: Online retail sales growing up to 20% each year. In 2015, retail sales would be worth 1.5 trillion. There are more than 189 million online shoppers each year. Online shopping has become the easiest or the fastest way of getting something the customers like. For industry Analysis, ASOS is part of the online retail industry. So how do they operate their business? ASOS has a long and tall structure. ASOS processes their customers from site visitation to online checkout. There are also some concept in which the cost will rise and will impact on the operations of ASOS. In fact ASOS has already adopted few concepts for example inventory management or changing the supply chain design , they are also developing a system…show more content…
Capital: All the capitals is already listed in the Finance Account of ASOS, there are machines they need which is already listed in expenses in the Financial Account. The materials used in any type of clothing's are cotton, silk, chiffon ,etc. They do have a delivery system where they can deliver it anywhere around the world, but they do need few more employees in the future since the industry is growing bigger and bigger. Enterprise:In this online shop , the people who take risks and manage the new venture are the executive directors because they are the one providing money so they are the ones to take the financial…show more content…
ASOS has a lot of charities they work with for example OXFAM, Carbon neutral , ethical trading initiative and Price trust. Their Corporate Social Responsibility logo is Fashion with integrity. They named this because they want their customer to know that the ASOS team is not harming people, environment or any animals for the materials they need. This is what the customers want and this is what their goal wants. An example of their CSR is during last year , they launched this ethical trade programme where they will try to improve the working environment in the factories so what they did was that they went to different factories in England to monitor the working conditions there and then to support and help them while making the product. BY doing this this it will influence people to work more and be more passionate in what they are doing. The other thing they usually do is when they are getting a lot of profit, they give some to these charities listed to help anyone in many different

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