David Hegg's The Ethics Of Patriotism

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According to 1howmany.com, “the population of the USA is over 314,165,191 People.” One would think that with all of these people put together, they would know how to represent our country, be the definition of patriotism, and they would know how to embody the American spirit. The author of the article “The Ethics of Patriotism”, David Hegg, argues that all citizens are the American spirit and have the grounds for patriotism because they represent the United States. I, however, disagree with his claim because the people need to be educated about the United States in order to represent the American Spirit that defines patriotism. People need to be educated about the United States in order to represent the American Spirit that defines patriotism.…show more content…
On this day, many may claim that they are patriotic and the same goes on Labor Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day. Celebrating and being a true citizen on selective days a year does not define patriotism. Patriotism is something you show all the time, not on select days. I would say the closest example to someone who has the American spirit and is close to defining patriotism are the men or women that are or were in active duty. In the military, there are a lot of men who are fighting for, defining, and loving our country. There are even men who died for our…show more content…
That is because many people need to know how to respect others and the people need to be educated about the United States to represent the American Spirit that truly defines patriotism. Americans express their patriotism every once and a while; however, it takes more to have the American spirit and be a prime example of a patriotic citizen. To fix this issue, citizens need to be educated on how to act like citizens. So that can mean adding more classes in high school to teach basic facts on how to act and be an American citizen. Citizens also need better role models to look up to if they want to better themselves as an American. They also should want to be a prime example of patriotism and have the spirit of an American. Without this drive, nothing will be

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