Theme Of Modernisation In The Kite Runner

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“Modernisation” of Afghanistan: Transformation of Personal and Cultural Identity in The Kite Runner. Annotated Bibliography Algoo-Baksh, S. (2005) ‘Ghost of the Past’, Canadian Literature, 184, pp. 143-144. In addition to Hosseini’s literary style, the brief analysis has outlined several major themes employed in the story, including the contradiction between contrasting social classes, redemption of sins, family, love, betrayal, guilt, fear and redemption. However, the source had not thoroughly made reference to context of the novel. Bragnnigan, J. (2008) ‘The Twentieth Century, 1939-2004’ in Poplawski, P. English Literature in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bragnnigan has evaluated the impacts of historical events, which…show more content…
Dissimilar to most of other reviews, which give more emphasis on Amir’s character, Erwin’s article, with the application of Marxist perspective, has thereby offered new insights into Hassan’s capability of transcending his initial figure or identity as a labourer, servant, ethnic minority and subordinate class. Gill, R. (2006) Mastering English Literature. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Gill’s book has explored various significant and frequently employed elements in novels, giving examples of characters of the story, settings and its importance to the plot, the connection between narration and language, interpretations of dialogues and employment of themes. Therefore, the context of this book is believed to be useful in unfolding multilayer of implication of motifs and symbols in The Kite Runner. By understanding and evaluating these elements as a separated single unit, functions of each unit and its connections to other units can be scrutinized thoroughly. Jefferess. D. (2009) ‘To be good (again): The Kite Runner as allegory of Global Ethics’, Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 5(4), pp.…show more content…
(2004) ‘The Kite Runner’, Indiana Review, 26(1), pp. 207 - 209. By dividing Amir’s life into three periods, the source has looked at the paradoxical tensions in terms of personal and cultural aspects in being Afghan through the exploration of his identity throughout the story, by comparing the protagonist to his father and his childhood companion and half-brother, Hassan. In his article, Miles has suggested a rare approach of examining the characters’ values and beliefs with the standard of Afghanistan’s culture and history, which is a massive contrast to several articles that adopted, and even interpreted The Kite Runner using a universal understanding and viewpoint. Noor, R. (2004) ‘Afghanistan: The Kite Runner’, World Literature Today, 78(3/4), pp. 148. The concise yet condemnatory article challenged the believed has been censored context of The Kite Runner and critically questioned the USA’s intention in the “nation stepped in the Middle Ages” (45). Noor asserted that the Hosseini’s depiction of the Afghanistan had been filtered and oversimplified, given evidence that he deliberately, if not unintentionally, omit the military and political intervention of the USA in Afghanistan. His viewpoint is valuable in developing a critical evaluation to the novel, which is composed of multitudinous American

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