Technology, Technology's Contribution To Globalization And Technology

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CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY The terms ‘Technology’ and ‘Architecture’ have, over the years become very important to globalization and urbanization; their professional application has been evident to human growth and enormous computerization. Architecture and technology have wide scopes and are linked to various other professions and economic sectors including: Design, Psychology, Art, Engineering, Finance, Manufacturing, Medicine, Military, the Oil and Gas and much more. This is evident in the following ways Refineries, Computers and smartphone (ICT), cars, home appliances, architectural technology equipment and more recently biotech products for Ebola treatment; the list is endless really. The concept of technology…show more content…
This development usually attracts more similar ‘startups’ and established companies as an avenue for a new market niche and competition. Over time- usually a long period- we begin to have a cluster of companies; startups that have a similar outlook in technological terms. This particular niche type is mostly formed from the market demand of that area and the area has the available resource that is needed to support that kind of technology. Over time, tech clusters can evolve to high tech cluster: which are extremely networked and highly sustainable business clusters filled with very large companies leading a highly sophisticated tech…show more content…
1.1 LOCATION The location of the proposed development would be in Ikeja, Lagos pending approval from the ministry of works, Alausa, Lagos. Site dimensions would be mapped out by the ministry, by physical site mappings and by the use of technological devices. 1.2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research is a process of taking a systematic approach to finding out new ideas, hypothesis and/or analyzing new/existing phenomena. The research methodology taken for this project would be. a. Qualitative research: Research methods aimed at analyzing terms, ideas and hypothesis usually from past literature aimed at understanding the topic being discussed and proffering solutions. This method also tries to review planning standards that can help in proper building design. b. Quantitative research: Research methods that focuses on data collection and analysis for problem solving/solution proffering. The following sources would be used for data collection: PRIMARY SOURCES a. Site visitation b. Case Studies c. Literature by Authors d. Questionnaires, if

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