Summer Season Essay

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1.The Summer Season ( March to Mid June ) This season is found during period from month of March to May. There is continuous rise in temperature both in day and night. The month of May is generally the hottest month of the year with mean daily maximum temperature about 400 c Sometimes the temperature is recorded more than 470C. 2. Mansoon Season (Mid June to October) June to October is rainy period of the district. Generally the district receives rain from south-west Mansoon. The rain starts in June and continuous up to October through out the district. The 85% of rainfall is received in this period and remaining in winter and summer season. The rain between June to August is less assured and uncertain while the showers in September and October…show more content…
From November , temperature begins to falls gradually and became the lowest in the month of December. December is generally coldest month of the year. The district of Solapur is sometimes influenced by the cold waves coming from North India and on such occasion the temperature falls below…show more content…
1. Light Soil or Malran Soil : It is also locally known as Malran land.This type of soils are hard and rocky and brown in color. It is found on hill slopes, top of high lands. The depth of these soils is up to 23Cms. These soils are infertile. These useful for grow fruits and cereals. 2.Medium Black Soils The depth of this type of soils various from 23 to 45Cms. Area under these soils is comparatively more in the district than deep black soil. This soils belong to plateau and plain regions of the district. 3.Deep Black soil or Cotton soil This soils covers more than 25% areas of the district along the river vallys. These soils are fertile in nature. Medium black soils and Deep black or cotton soils are useful to grow Jawar, Bajara, Cotton also Sugarcane and fruits. 2.7 Land
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