My Writing Style Analysis

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Writing techniques can be difficult to learn since it is always changing. The changing of the styles of writing is harder or easier for an individual to read the material. One major style of writing that has gained interest is using American Psychological Association (APA) after being first introduced. According to Sigal (2010), APA format was challenging for individuals. It was challenging since the style is different than MLA, which people could not grasp the change, myself included. APA when first introduced has changed and is recently favored when it comes to the style of writing. Individuals believe it to be easier to understand and comprehend compared to other writing styles. What is the purpose and importance of writing APA compared…show more content…
If a female writes it, then give the female credit and same as a male. In the journal by Personnel & Guidance Journal (1978) states the following, “Sexism in journal writing may be classified into two categories that were conceptually different; problems of designation and problems of evaluation (374).” APA format gives credit to whomever you are writing about, if you are using their research. Sexism has been a huge issue in writing since individuals love to leave information out, especially when it comes to a female researcher. The Personnel & Guidance Journal found information that shows that paper would illustrate sexes since the male writer did not want to give her credit about her research. APA does not allow that, as it would be considered as plagiarism. Plagiarism is a huge issue and APA is giving credit by having a certain format that writers must…show more content…
The authors state Holmes, Holmes, & Fanning (1981) state, “In an earlier study (4) it was noted that the apparently small sample sizes in psychological research could be an influence in the often contradictory results of various areas of research (263). Research size is extremely critical when it comes to APA for the reason of not having somewhat bias or skewed results. Having bias or skewed results can lead to falls information, which can be harmful for individuals. One worthy example of this is when conducting a study on medicine on individuals and wants to test the accuracy of the medicine. A researcher would want to have a large sample size to make sure that the research will not have somewhat fails

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