Analytical Essay 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

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Writing In this semester, I wrote two analytical essays, one on Indian horse and the other one on To kill a Mockingbird, Analysis on short stories like The Curio Shop, The interloper, A coyote Columbus story and another short story. From writing these Analyzes, I learned what literary devices are and how they are displayed in a passage. Examples of literary devices are foreshadowing, tone, mood, irony, and more. At the beginning of the semester I came into English class without knowing how to analysis anything and only having the ability to summarize which made it my strength. Since I had no idea how to analyze it became my weakness, but over practices by analyzing passages from The Curio Shop, A Coyote Columbus Story, To kill a Mockingbird, Indian Horse, and others. Toward the end of the semester, I think my analyzing skill got better. I could identify where literary devices are used in a passage and explain how it could affect the reader's thinking. In my opinion, over the semester, I improved from not knowing how to analyze to being able to analyze and talk about how it affects the reader’s thinking. This semester in…show more content…
From listening and participating in discussion, I gained a lot of different perspectives looking at a passage. One person could look at a passage and say how the mood effects the reader while someone else will say I don’t agree with what you are saying and state their opinion. I think this is how I improved in analyzing over a short period of time by listening to their arguments. At the beginning of the semester, I didn’t have any strength since I had no knowledge on how to analyze so I could not contribute to the conversation. I improved over the span of the semester, I was able to join into the conversation. Compared to the other English class in the past where speaking is all access by doing presentations, this year it is done

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