Reflective Rhetorical Analysis

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Reflective Cover Letter Throughout the first months of the course I have to been able to learn a variety of techniques as a writer that has helped me tremendously in my essays and other classes. I’ve learned to analyze readings and identify different techniques authors use to persuade the reader as well as how to write an essay on how the author uses these in the article. In writing rhetorical analysis I have learned to summarize rhetorically analysis and lastly respond to the articles I read in the book Writing Analytically with Readings. Another key factor to analyze readings rhetorically and be able to write an essay was learning how to annotate the readings. A very important and common strategy to remember the strategy is TRIAC: Thesis, Restatement, Illustration, Analysis, and lastly Conclusion. As well as the common ethical appeals ethos, pathos, and logos, another strategy commonly use in readings and important factors to identify when reading persuasive…show more content…
Rhetorical analysis is a set of three paragraphs in which I summarized what I read about a particular article, then I analyzed the article rhetorically in which I stated the situation and claim of the author and his/her purpose for writing the article, lastly I responded to the article, in this paragraph I was able to state my opinion of the authors claim and if he/she succeeded. Learning how to do these strategies in the first couple of weeks of school help me understand a different way of responding to an article. A common strategy to help me remember rhetorical analysis in my writings was TRIAC. T: Thesis, topic sentence or claim of the author, R: Restatement clarified “T” (Thesis) context and background of the author/issue, I: Illustration, examples, facts, and statistics in the article, and C: Conclusion, discuss why all of the above are important in reading

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