American Imperialism Research Paper

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World War I was a turning point in the history of imperialism. World War II exhausted the European colonial power. It depleted soldiery, resources, and willingness to wage war. Today, the results of imperialism persist. Because of that, there still seems to be a deep animosity in Asia. Much of the world was still poor and politically unstable. Many in these areas believe their countries’ condition is due to Western exploitation. Many non-westerners see little to admire in the values of the West. Anti-Western ideology is often expressed in religion. Influence of Western ideas is apparent everywhere. At the same time, many nations are conscious of their hard-won nationhood.. All of these long lasting effects is how colonialism framed the different…show more content…
There were many colonial powers in Southeast Asia: Spain, Great Britain, France, the United States, etc. From the 1500s to the mid-1940s, colonialism was used over Southeast Asia. For hundreds of years, Southeast Asian countries had been engaged in international relations with traders from East Asia (China), South Asia (India), and West Asia (the “Middle East”). Asian traders also brought religion, customs, traditions, and things to the countries. Hence, their relationship was economic and cultural at the same time. European travelers did not only have economic relations with Southeast Asians but also imposed their political—and in some cases, cultural—infuence over Southeast Asian peoples and territories. Hence, European colonialism covered a large chunk of Southeast Asian history. Aside from European colonials, Japanese and U.S. colonials controlled much of Southeast Asia. Japanese aggression took place during the “Pacific War” of World War II…show more content…
Colonialism can take many forms: it can be political, economic, cultural or social. A political, economic and cultural policy and practice by which several foreign states explored, conquered, settled, exploited, maintained and extended their control over large areas of foreign lands and its people who ceased to control their own territories, resources and national destiny. The age of colonialism began during the European discoveries of America and then gradually shifted over to South East Asia. The combined work of European, American, and Asian powers colonized SEA. During World War II, Japan was the only major Asian country that colonized SEA. There are three motives for colonialism: political, economic, and cultural. The booming economies needed an assured supply of raw materials, assured new markets and new places in which to invest. Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Japanese aggression took place in many parts of Asia and the Pacific, including Southeast Asian countries. The climax that eventually ended WWII occurred when the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which eventually caused Japan to surrender to the Allied Forces. World War II brought Japanese occupation and exploitation, not independence and equality. Imperialism is also resented for its racism and disregard of other

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