Thoreau's Civil Disobedience Movement

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Abstract One of the major preceptors of Transcendentalism, Thoreau manifested the Vedantic ideals for the exaltation of axiology over pragmatism, of spiritual over material and of static over dynamic. The movement stood as an emblem of the supremacy of celestially enriched East over the materially prosperous West. Gandhi sought inspiration from Thoreau and propagated the principle of Satyagraha, “Passive Resistance”. Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience influenced Gandhi tremendously who was the apostle of freedom struggle of India. Thoreau’s concept of non-resistance led Gandhi on the path of beginning of Civil Disobedience Movement in Africa and India. Gandhi and Thoreau emphasized on moral laws—purity, patience and perseverance which…show more content…
I was put into a jail once on this account for one night; and, as I stood considering the walls of solid stone, two or three feet thick, the door of wood and iron, a foot thick, and the iron grating which strained the light, I could not help being struck with the foolishness of that institution which treated me as if I were mere flesh and blood and bones to be locked up.2 (127) Thoreau pronounces the spiritual powers of nature. His philosophy revolves round the Gita, the Vishnu Purana, the Vedas, the Manusmriti, the Hitopdesha and teachings of Buddha. For him nature stands as an endless circle of spirituality and divinity. The natural ambience resembles man’s own spirit and endeavours for concord and unison. Gandhi was devoted to the preaching of Indian scriptures. His idea of non-violence is the essence of the Gita. He believed that in the divine surrounding of nature human soul attains liberation from the bondages of corporeal frame. The prophets believed that nature inspires man to procure divinity, to value it and to preserve it. Man learns the principle of justice, co-operation, compassion and realization of the Self in the intimate hours of communion with nature. Gandhi is also identical to Thoreau when we observe him spending his days in the Sabarmati Ashram which was the abode of celestial bliss of nature. The calm…show more content…
Similarly, the best of the efforts of Gandhi came out when he was in Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarat. The Sabarmati Ashram is the replica of Walden, the land of self-service, self-experience, self-realization and physical, mental and economic development. The nature is at its best at both the places and a sense of wonder is experienced through the components of nature. Nature reveals the divine glory and it’s an impetus to man for elevation towards the zenith. The congenial atmosphere of Sabarmati and Walden strengthens and boosts the morale of the substantial existence to transform into unsubstantial ether of knowledge, to become a holy being. To exist in the material world, the inner power and strength is very essential. Being spiritually strengthened means detachment but in the way that is concerned with the welfare and betterment of humanity. Vivekananda and Aurobindo announced to endeavour for supreme living in the mundane and earthly world but being ineffective to the consequences of anything. Thoreau at Walden and Gandhi at Sabarmati earned this knowledge which is never dissipated and shines perpetually. They inherited the divine virtues of morality, diligence, service, honesty, egolessness, love, hope, truth, worship and understanding from nature which became the guide and guardian of their spirit just like Wordsworth’s friend, philosopher and
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