How Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned In Schools

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Huckleberry Finn Essay In the nineteenth century, legal and social privileges and rights were granted to White Americans that were not given to African Americans even though anti-slavery feelings were growing. Mark Twain’s caustic novel, Huckleberry Finn, undertake and challenge suitable perceptions about slavery and race in America. The novel imitates the spoken dialect of people who lived along the Mississippi River in the mid-nineteenth century. However, some commentators argued that the writing emphasizes racist stereotypes and should be ban from school’s curriculum. Huckleberry Finn introduces students to prejudice and racial epithets that should be recognized and educated. Aside from the lack of multicultural content, Huckleberry Finn grant students the opportunity to meditate on matters of race and a variety of other disturbing issues during the nineteenth century. Likewise, the novel gives students the chance to flourish their own critical thinking about literature, racism, and the literary canon. Since Huckleberry Finn is consider a racist novel, many students, especially African Americans, express discomfort but According to Peaches Henry, “I realized that sometimes it is necessary for English classrooms to be uncomfortable,” Such uneasiness provides…show more content…
The constant use of the N-word in Huckleberry Finn has cause tension in classrooms and has evoke apathy to African American students. “White students would nervously “snicker” or “turn around and stare” at the few African Americans students when the word was read aloud”, states Katherine Schulten. The use of the N-word not only affected students but also parents who wish to protect their children form what the word represents. According to source E, In Cherry Hill, NJ, one parent recalled, “we knew we’d have a firestorm on our hands,” when parents settled it was time to act because of the lack of multicultural content in Huckleberry
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