Airline Speed Objectives

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Speed objectives refer to the rate at which a company can generate sales quotes and how rapidly and often a company can deliver its products. In addition, speed refers to such issues as the time required to manufacture one or more products and the time the company needs to research and develop a new product. In other words, speed as an operations objective reflects how fast the firm can respond to customer requests. The more enhanced operations cycles, the faster the firm can respond the higher customer satisfaction then the more likely they will buy again. The aim is to speed up response, ensure dependability of delivery and reduce costs through minimizing total inventory across the whole system. However, in the airline industry speed can…show more content…
OTP is also a measurement of our ability not only to operate the planes safely and on time but also to consolidate multiple customer's shipments, accurately load, unload, connect, deconsolidate and deliver them through their extensive flight network to customers on time. On-time performance refers to the level of success of the service remaining on the published schedule. On time performance is measured as the number of flights operating on time as a percentage of the number of flights operated on any particular…show more content…
So, underlying factors of OTP to decline must be investigated and addressed to ensure the airline will not make more loses that is contributed by OTP. If matters are not being paid attention to it will cause a significance loss to the airline in term of revenue. Among the underlying factors of delays is aircraft delayed due late arrival from a previous flight, weather, airport congestion, air traffic clearance, engineering delay, passengers late show up limited buffer time between aircraft arrival and departure time. The following suggestion should be considered to improve the airlines (OTP). 2.2.2. Consolidation at KLIA Main Terminal Building To ensure convenience and improved connectivity for passengers, Malaysia Airlines is also planning a move to concentrate most of its operations in KL International Airport’s (KLIA) main terminal. The plan will mean quicker connections for ASEAN passengers between international and domestic flights. This will improve flight connection times, provide faster and more reliable baggage transfer and ultimately ensure better customer satisfaction. With a successful trial conducted earlier this year, the airline is working closely with Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad to realise the consolidation. The partnership with Emirates will contribute to Malaysia Airlines’ fleet consolidation and has enabled the airline to retire the B777-200s completely. The consolidation

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