Oil Spills In The Niger Delta, Nigeria

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Health implications of crude oil spills in the Niger delta, Nigeria. Abstract Acronyms List of figures Table of Contents 0 Introduction Nigeria owes its economic development to the availability of oil in the Niger Delta region. Oil exploration in the Niger Delta region started in the mid-1950s. The Niger Delta is estimated to be having trillion of cubic feet of natural gasses and billions of barrels of crude oil. Nigeria earns a large sum of foreign exchange from selling of crude oil that contributes about ninety-five percent of total revenues Nigeria is getting from export. Despite this huge amount of resources in the Niger Delta region, the locals are living in abject poverty and the area is suffering from huge environmental…show more content…
Bordered to the south by the Atlantic Ocean and the east by Cameroon, the region spans a surface area of about 120,000km, representing 12% of Nigeria’s total surface area. The Niger delta forms the third largest wetland in the world. With a projected population of over 30 million people distributed in about 13,329 settlements, and with more than 40 languages. The Niger Delta ecological mainly consists of mangrove swamp, coastal barrier sandy ridge, lowland rainforest and freshwater swamp. The type of natural resources found in this region includes, but not limited to crude oil, natural gas lead, tin, zinc, coal, salt seafood and arable land among others. The main activity of the communities living in this region include farming and fishing that constitute about forty-eight percent (48%), trading constituting approximately seventeen percent (17%), service that constitute about ten percent (10%), and others that include health and education constituting approximately seven percent (7%). Furthermore, poverty level stands at forty-three percent (43%), the unemployment rate is 24%, and infant mortality rate is estimated to be 120 per 1000 birth. In the past years, the region has been known to be the most violent place in Nigeria due to various organized militia group fighting for oil…show more content…
The oil spill is a term use to describe a form of pollution. The term can also be applied to marine oil spills that refer to the release of the petroleum-related products into the sea/ocean or coastal waters. Oils spills include the release of petroleum-related product from offshore platforms, tankers, drilling wells and rigs. Also, spill of refined petroleum related products such as petrol, diesel, gasoline and their by-products. Petroleum by-products normally consist of waste oil, heavier fuels used by large marine ships such as bunker fuel and spill of any oily substance

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