Importance Of Bus Priority Lanes

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CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Introduction This research is conducted to study about the effectiveness bus priority lanes in the city of Kuala Lumpur. This research will be conducted in Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur. The area that we chose for this project is randomly from the area that has been implementing bus priority lanes at these areas. Transportation system is vital in every country as it function as a medium for people to move from one point to another. Besides providing road network for people easy to move with cars, it is also government’s role to provide public transportation for the people especially for those who have low income and cannot afford to own private vehicles. Public transport is the one of the most important needs that…show more content…
Reliability is focusing on frequencies and punctuality of the public transport arrives on time and able to meet the perception expectation of the user. This is because in the public bus service reliability has a preference to the user determine the perception and expectation towards the particular bus service. Therefore, this indicate user not satisfied with the punctuality or reliability of the public service because the bus lateness to reach to the destination (Eboli et al., 2008). 1.3 Problem of Statement The number of implementation bus priority lanes in Malaysia is increasing from time to time. Bus lanes will increase journey time reliability and safety for certain vehicles and encourage the use of sustainable transport such as public transport. Most of people know about the existence of bus priority lanes but they do not take it seriously. The bus priority lanes during peak hour and it will effect to public bus time to arrive at their destination. In addition, public transportation can become inefficient if weak traffic enforcement encourages illegal parking on them for example in shopping areas. 1.4 Purposes of the…show more content…
By doing this study, researcher will know what is the public bus users perception towards the bus priority lanes based on the variables and level of service bus priority lanes especially in term of speed limit, time schedule and density/usage. This study also could tackle some problems that exist in the implementation of bus priority lanes and some recommendations will be suggested in order to enhance the bus priority lane at Jalan Raja

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