Reflective Essay For English

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I have been a student at German schools for 13 years, and over the course of my stay my language skills have not grown as much as possible. Far more speaking the german language intervers strongly with my English today. My german fellow would call my style of speaking “Denglish“ whic stand for the mixure between Deutsch(German) and English, leeting english and german pronounciations intervere with eachother. I came to the University Twente already knowing that I wanted my English to be academic; I therefore chose a english study with improving my lanuages as one of my major reasons. Going through the English program has taught me so much more than stuff about literature and language, it has taught me how to be me. I have learned here how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find the answers to the things that I don't know. Most importantly I have learned how important literature and language are. Sadly today I have to admit that even now after…show more content…
Moving past this form by chosing an english study, however, has greatly opened my mind. My thoughts are now able to be more complex because I have learned how to sustain a logical argument in an organized manner. Nevertheless this is the case when I use speach as my main way of communication. As soon as it comes to thw writing things are different. It is difficult to identify gaps in my knowledge as an English major, only because I feel like I have learned so much. I kn ow it would be useful to simply write and read more throughout my dayly life but studying the required literature and thinking about how to teach myself is something I lost interest in. Of course i ask myself why did lose interest. The answer I give myself is that it seems to be unnessary. That is not true, I know that. I guess I am fooling myself by thinking that. But the fact that I seem survive the university lanuage demands with my actual state of skills myke be stick to this

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