Chinese Tourism In Thailand

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CHAPTER 1 GENERALITIES OF THE STUDY 1.1 Introduction Thailand is very famous for its amazing scenery, Thai smile and Thai culture and attracts visitors from all over the world and it has become a major tourist destinations. Tourism Authority is trying to promote Thailand tourism image from different angles. At the same time, China has become the biggest source country of tourists for Thailand. These years, Thailand is becoming one of the important destinations for mainland China’s outbound tourism. Since earlier years, Thailand became the first destination country opened to Chinese tourists by the Chinese government; Thailand took use of this advantage, take the advantage of geographical relation and their natural and cultural tourism resources and low cost airline to attract a large number of Chinese tourists. In these years, Chinese mainland tourists to Thailand increased sharply year by year, especially in the last two years with the high-speed growth 1.2 Statement of the problem Recent years Thailand's tourism industry was slowed by the situation of losses because of the national confrontation and conflicts, natural disasters which are happened in Thailand. Just because of this, Lots of tourists got rid of their scheduled visit to Thailand in the past years. It is thought that the conflict…show more content…
Tourism perception is the most direct way to evaluate a tourism destination and its service for Chinese tourists and In this study, through utilizing the evaluations from interviewees and with the research, we could analyze the factors both interior and exterior that affect the Chinese tourists’ opinions on regarding Thailand as a safe and satisfying destination. And by so, could try to grasp the Chinese this big

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