Essay On Gamification

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Introduction: Although the term is not yet widespread in the French vocabulary, the concept of gamification it's interesting because it can be defined in several ways depending on different theories.
The "gamification" is a process that is becoming more and more common in our modern world, in fact it relates more and more activities and can therefore be observed in many areas such as work, food, education, tourism, culture, etc... Gamification is a recent phenomenon, linked directly to the new place given to games in modern society and that is born in the United States in 2010, particularly under the influence of the researcher and game designer Jane McGonigal. In her reference book " Reality is Broken " published in 2011, she explains that "reality is broken "; that the world is gradually losing its meaning and that the only way to remedy this is to use games. In fact, there are many ways to formulate the idea of gamification but for simplicity we will retain the following one: gamification is…show more content…
Today many American magazines such as " Fortune " or " Forbes " announced the gamification as one of the most effective for all leaders in pursuit of profits; and in addition many experts consider gamification as one of the most important technology recently developed and put at the service of the industry. Loyalty programs of airlines early 80s, laid the foundations of the phenomenon of gamification. The true revolution, come from the unique opportunity presented by the social and open web, which has emerged in recent years. Internet allows using gamification easier, faster, and touching more and more individuals. In this regard, the phenomenon of social gaming is an incredible evolution ... On the other hand we can show the evolution of gamification through initiatives such as " Speed Camera Lottery "

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