Agricultural Mechanization

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Agriculture machinery is a kind of important producer goods for farmers as it plays a significant in agriculture production. With the development of agriculture and agriculture machinery industry, there are rapidly growing requirements for agricultural machinery from consumers, agriculture machinery corporations will an increasing fierce competition in the the modern market economy, being the main body of agriculture machinery market, farmersattitude, perception and preference toward a brand will largely influence the sales volume of this brand, and even the survival and development of the enterprise. Therefore a brand research based on farmer’s awareness is very necessary and crucial. There was plenty of research on brand management…show more content…
Farmer’s perception toward brands of agriculture machinery.Machines are generally used to do work. Various works exist on the farm. For example, land clearing, land preparation for planting, crop planting and crop harvesting. Machines are now used to carry out these works on the farm. The use of machines make such works less tasking and farmers then find farm works interesting and pleasant to do. Agricultural mechanization is a special field of Agricultural Engineering. It is a way of improving farming operations through the use of machines, equipment and structures to enhance productivity. This unit brings into focus the usefulness of agricultural mechanization. Consumers make purchase decisions in each and every aspect of their life. Thus studying consumer behaviour becomes more vital. All marketing decisions & activities are based on assumptions about consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour deals with the behaviour that consumer displays in the consumption of goods right from purchasing, using, evaluating & disposing them. In other way, it deals with what they buy, how often they use it when they by it, why they buy it where they buy and how they evaluate it after purchase. Understanding the consumer purchase process and the post…show more content…
It includes the favourable or unfavourable feelings and corresponding emotions towards stimuli (eg. towards a product or service offering or a brand). These vary in direction, intensity and persistence. Behaviour This is the “visible” part. In our case, this could be the purchase activity: to buy or not a buy (again specific to a product or service offering, a brand or even related to any of the 4 Ps. Purchase decision After the evaluation process consumer will select the product they would like to purchase. Once product may be a clear winner or the consumer may have to reprioritise their criteria to help them select a product. 1.2.2 MEANING OF AGRICULTURE The term Agriculture is derived from two Latin words ager or agri meaning soil and cultura meaning cultivation. Agriculture is an applied science which encompasses all aspects of crop production including horticulture, livestock rearing, fisheries, forestry, etc. 1.2.3 DEFINITION OF AGRICULTURE AGRICULTURE is defined in the Agriculture act (1947), as including ‘horticulture, fruit growing, seed growing, dairy farming and livestock breeding and keeping, the use of land as grazing land, meadow land, osier land, market gardens and nursery grounds, and the use of land for woodlands where that use ancillary to the farming of land for Agricultural
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