Four Types Of Management Styles

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Management styles There is a various set of management and leadership styles that could be utilised based on tasks and circumstances. The smartness in selecting the appropriate style to handle tasks and manage the staff, will return in the best outcome on the management and the organisation. Furthermore, the American author and psychologist Daniel Goleman in his research "Leadership That Gets Results" identifies six style types: Coercive, Authoritative, Affiliative, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Coaching (Goleman, 2000). Following is a brief description of each style: 1. Directive (coercive): decision making centralised by the managers and the employee does what they say, it is suitable in crisis or employees' problems. 2. Authoritative (visionary):…show more content…
The manager who uses the appropriate style and behaviour to deal with such situations can get the best performance of employees. However, many problems and conflicts among managers and employees could happen due to the use of inappropriate style to deal with the staff in a particular situation. For instance, using the directive style with expert and high skills employees could be against their values which will cause frustration and resentment and will eliminate any chance of innovation and creativity for this group of people. On the other hand, directive style could work with others types of employees. Also, using the authoritative style with unqualified employees, or using the democratic style in a crisis situation or lack of competency could cause serious…show more content…
On the other hand, I used a democratic style with staff who had a good experience and with those who are well qualified since they just need to know about the new services provided by the system instead of intensive training. In additional, I used the delegation skill to give them the opportunity to be responsible for some tasks. Moreover, culture can be a dividing factor that threatens the organisation success instead of working smoothly as a team to achieve the organisation objectives. Regarding Saudi Arabia’s culture, most organizations avoid hiring women in mixed environments; however, some organisations realised the importance of involving in work. Therefore, such organisations have started to prepare and change this culture for male employees by using authoritative and affiliativestyles in order to persuade the employee to deal with the new environment that involves
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