Information Management Process In Construction Industry

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The aim of this paper is to present the key elements of the information management process in the construction industry. Construction projects typically require substantial effort, time, and capital outlay. Information management provides the means for improved project management, coordination of individual efforts, time and cost reduction. The genesis of a construction project involves four general development phases. In concept and initiation phase the project scope and requirements are outlined and a preliminary evaluation of alternative proposals is performed. The design and development phase includes a detailed project design and planning as well as the necessary tendering procedures to establish contracting. In the implementation phase…show more content…
A number of functions within the construction company dealing with project management, planning, engineering, line and staff, administration/finance, marketing, maintenance, quality assurance, and research & development are directly or indirectly involved in project construction. In addition, external groups such as, consultants, subcontractors, the project owner, financial institutions, and suppliers have their own contribution to project development. Proceeding to particular components of the project life-cycle where information management can be appreciable, project estimating deals with the determination of expected project activity durations and costs. Estimating is generally based on work quantity, type and number of resources used, average values of productivity, and unit costs. Estimating requires a considerable amount of data to be processed as a result of a large number of project activities and resources used and can be facilitated through the employment of appropriately designed tables which summarise the analysis…show more content…
Based on this information and on the project schedule, resources are allocated to project activities and histograms are developed presenting resource requirements over time during the construction period. Further resource levelling is performed and resource overallocations are resolved. Procurement management deals with the acquiring of goods and services required to perform the project's scope of work such as, drawings, materials, professional services, and supplies. Procurement planning identifies the type and quantity of needed products, the time and the way of procurement. Procurement control assures the timely receipt of goods according to the needs and specifications. A number of documents such as, a purchase requisition form, a purchase specification form, a bid summary form, a purchase order form, and an invoice are used in the procurement
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