Ship Turnaround Time Case Study

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CINEC MARITIME CAMPUS & DALIAN MARITIME UNIVERSITY International Transportation Management and Logistics Analysis of Factors Affecting the Ship Turnaround Time (STT) Of Container Terminals at Colombo Port, Sri Lanka Dissertation submitted to CINEC Maritime Campus and Dalian Maritime University In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORTATION MANAGEMENT AND LOGISTICS BY R.M. Anura Pradeep Kumara 2016 Dissertation submission to The faculty of Humanities and Social Science at CINEC Maritime Campus In partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Science International transportation management and logistics 1. Name of the student: Rathnayaka Mudiyanselage Anura Pradeep Kumara 2. Registration Number of the student: BScC-550/12-06/0041 3. Module Code and title: DISS421586 – Dissertation Submission 4. Name of the Supervisor: Mrs. Lakshmi Ranwala 5. Title of the assignment: Analysis of Factors Affecting the Ship Turnaround Time (STT) Of Container Terminals at Colombo Port, Sri Lanka. 6. Deadline: 11.01.2016 7. Date of Submission: 11.01.2015 8. The declaration by the student: “I…show more content…
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