Essay On Learning Disabilities

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Learning disabilities is an important phenomenon in modern societies where reading, writing, and arithmetic are essential skills in everyday life. Students with learning disabilities encompasses the largest single category of students with special educational needs in most countries (Büttner and Hasselhorn, 2011). Estimates claim that between 5%-15% of school-aged children are affected by this disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). In the United States, about 50% of the children identified for special educational services are children with a learning disability. Learning disabilities thus constitutes the largest field of special education (Kavale & Forness, 2006; Torgesen, 2004). In accordance with the educational significance,…show more content…
The term learning disabilities also includes conditions such as perceptual disabilities, dyslexia, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, and developmental aphasia. However, the term “specific learning disabilities” does not include a learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, motor disabilities, mental retardation, emotional disturbances and cultural, environmental, or economic disadvantage. Characteristics The characteristics of students with learning disabilities can be divided into academic and socio- emotional. The most common academic characteristic of students with learning disabilities involves their struggle with academic achievement. In order for students with learning disabilities to achieve well in school, they must demonstrate adequate skills in reading, spelling, writing, and language. However these students, on the other hand show difficulties in reading, written language, spoken language, mathematics, or a combination of these (Vaughn et al., 2006). Adolescents with learning disabilities find it difficult to respond successfully to the demanding curriculum in core subjects because of lack of skills and strategies that are necessary to enable these children to effectively process the information (Deshler,

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