Philippine Rice Production

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1.1 Background of the Study The Philippines is the 8th top producer of rice in the world with an average yield of 1.16 tons per hectare in 1960 to 3.59 tons per hectare in 2009, yet the country is also the world’s top rice importer (IRRI,nd). Food security and sufficiency had always been a challenge to Philippines. The Canadian International Development Agency ( CIDA ) (n.d) cited that in order to achieve food security it is essential to increase the availability of food by sustainably increasing agricultural production and productivity. In an article by FAO of United Nations, food security is accompanied by investment in irrigation; which will not only increase food production but will also reduce the financial burden of agricultural imports.…show more content…
This is evident in the continuously increasing rice importation of the country. David (2003) reported that based on the cropping intensities and yields, rice production is generally lower than its potential. In Region 3 where UPRIIS is located, a cropping intensity of 113% and rice yield level of 3.72 ton/ha for wet season and 4.20 ton/ha for dry season were observed during the year 1997-1998. Thus to maximize the use of available water while reducing losses, it is important to have an efficient and effective irrigation system. Doing a performance evaluation, the system’s adequacy, timeliness and equity in supplying water can be determined. Based from the assessed parameters, feedbacks will be given to the management about the current status of the system with the hope of further improving their services. There are few studies or works on the performance evaluation of irrigation systems in the Philippines, hence the result of the study can provide an up to date status of the Division V Upper Pampanga River Integrated Irrigation System. Furthermore, the methods used in the study can be a basis of evaluating other irrigation systems in the country. Better irrigation system will result to a well utilized water supply and increased crop…show more content…
(2003). Averting Water Crisis in Agriculture: Policy and Program Framework for Irrigation Development in the Philippines. Quezon City: The University of the Philippines Press and Asia Pacific Policy Center.pp 6-13, 19. David, W.P. (1990). Irrigation Development in the Philippines-Present Status, Issues, Problems, and Policy Recommendations. Crop Science Society of the Philippines. 15(1):17-26 Elkaduwa, W.K.B. (1994). A Study on Sustainability as Related to Performance of Upper Pampanga and Magat River Integrated Irrigation System in the Philippines. Food and Agriculture Organization. (n.d). Crop Evapotranspiration. [Electronic version]. Retrieved October 22, 2014 from Food and Agriculture Organization. (n.d). Water and Food Security. Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). (n.d). Philippines. Retrieved October 18, 2014 from Kovacs, G. (2001). Seepage Hydraulics. [Electronic version]. Retrieved October 22, 2014 from PhilRice. (2012). Philippine Rice R&D highlights 2012. [Electronic Version]. Retrieved October 22, 2014 from

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