Essay On Captive Breeding

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Captive breeding plays an important role in conservation biology. However it is not perfect tool since it has drawbacks in breeding rate, inbreeding, lost of gene variation, surplus animals, adaptation captivity,etc. a. Breeding rate Not all species breed well in captivity. Most species that easily breed in captivity has the same management requirements with domestic animals or considerable experience. Poor reproduction in captivity is often due to behavior problems caused by inadequate husbandry technique. Under different conditions at different captive places, breeding rate of a species is not similar.[5] b. Inbreeding and lost of gene variation Only a small number of individuals of a species is used in captive breeding program. Therefore, it leads to significant genetic problems through inbreeding and drift. When all offsprings in captive breeding have the same…show more content…
Captive breeding in Vietnam In Vietnam, the captive breeding operations have been appeared throughout the country since 2000, encouraged by national action plans (Anon., 2004d) and supported by provincial directives, such as in Ho Chi Minh City (Nguyen D. Cuong, HCMC FPD, pers. comm. to J. Thomson, February 2005). Captive animals in Vietnam range from those are endangered, endemic, precious to be normal in the wild. They are protected by domestic legislation, listed as Critically Endangered by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (Anon., 2005a). .[10] There are successful captive breeding programs in Vietnam such as 9 species of primate in Cuc Phuong national park. The breeding rates of these species have been very high, with five Delacour’s langurs giving birth to five offsprings and ten Hatinh langurs produce 16 individuals. In addition, the Center has a program to release captive animals back to the wild. In 2007, eight Hatinh langurs were released into the semi-wild enclosured at Phong Nha Ke Bang park and have achieved initial successes in finding food, habitat use and other behaviors

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