Advantages Of Facebook Advertising

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4 Cost Effective Facebook Advertising Strategies Advertising can be an expensive affair for any business. To maximize returns on investment, it is crucial for an enterprise to learn a few tips that will help cut down on their advertising budget. For those considering Facebook advertising, the following strategies will come in handy when you want to save a dime in your marketing endeavor. Know the different types of advertising Facebook offers two different bidding options for ads today. (a) CPC/PPC: Cost-Per-Click/Pay-Per-Click This is among the commonly used type of bidding for Facebook ads. As the name suggests, one pays for the number of times people click the advert. In this case, it is easy to manage or budget and understand this method.…show more content…
Another remedy to the said challenge is to use Facebook’s targeting tools and define specific audience you want to reach with your ad. This way, you avoid paying for unprofitable views. Focus on users interested in your product or service It is expensive and a waste of time to post your ad to the wrong viewers. If they cannot purchase your products, you need not waste your resources on them. Facebook makes it easy for one to target their ads to the right audience. Today, one can customize their posts to reach desired audience depending on their geographic area, age, gender, financial ability and education level, among others. You have no reason to post your ads blindly anymore. Use such features to improve click-through and conversion rates out of any ad you post. Super-target your Facebook ads This is a great way to save cash on your Facebook ads. You customize your ads to reach specific people. This way, you increase lead generation and sales turnover. However, this may not be the best move for companies that want to create brand awareness. How to…show more content…
• Click “Create.” (b) Lookalike audience Facebook can use your existing database of custom audience to create prospects with similar qualities. Basically, you will get a group of target customers with either 99% or 95% interests, demographics or so, similar to your custom audience. Those with 99% similarity are more specific, though you end up reaching a lesser audience than when targeting the 95%. (c) Website custom audience This is the latest of Facebook ad targeting options. Simply going with the initials WCA, website custom audience is available to enterprises with Facebook fans ranging between 100 and 10,000. If you already have this on your ad management software, you can retarget Facebook ads free of charge. You do not need any third party software. Other than getting the custom audience from a stored database, your target audience is people who have visited specific pages of your website. In this case, the process of setting your target viewers from Facebook ad management tool is similar to that of creating Custom audience, except that you choose your Custom Audience from Website. Winning the bidding
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