Importance Of Fertilizer

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Introduction Fertilizers are important for proper growth and proper working of plant. Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium are necessary for plant. Nitrogen is an important component of protein and protoplasm, its shortage lead to yellowing of leaves and stops the growth of plant. Phosphorous is necessary part of the nucleic acid as well as structure of plants, which regulate protein synthesis. Phosphorous is also required in cell division and expansion of new tissue. Potassium is important because it stimulate early growth; improve resistance to disease and insects. But use of excess fertilizers to agricultural soils leads to agricultural pollution which deteriorate the environmental quality. But here we will discuss about fate of nitrate fertilizers…show more content…
Fertilizers are poisonous for animals and human beings. The nutrients applied for increasing crop production are subjected to various losses and transformations in soil. Nitrogen, being the most deficient and crucial plant nutrient, is applied in large amount in the form of chemical fertilizer to meet the demand of high yielding crop varieties. A considerable part of the nitrogenous fertilizer is lost through volatilization, denitrification and leaching in the form of nitrate which becomes a source of environmental pollution (Gill, 1978). Nitrogen loss through leaching is due to movement of NO3-N with water. There are two major disadvantages of nitrogen leaching. On one hand leaching results in loss of costly fertilizers and most of our valuable resources are utilized for its manufacturing. On the other hand leaching material may pollute the ground water which is mostly used for drinking without treatment. Groundwater pollution is increasing concern in Pakistan because 50-60% of our drinking water comes from ground water source (Sial et al, 1993). Environmental…show more content…
It has global warming potential 296 times larger than same mass of carbon dioxide and it also play role to stratosphere ozone depletion. By changing processes and procedures, it may effects on anthropogenic climate change. Methane emissions from crop field are increased by application of nitrogenous fertilizers. The emission of gas contributes to global climate change because methane is a potent green house

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