Service Quality Dimensions Analysis

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The SERVQUAL service quality dimensions are often regarded as the introduction to the Gaps Model of Service Quality. In this chapter the researcher takes a deeper look at the model which points out the key concepts, strategies and decisions in services. The customer gap is the difference between customer expectations and perceptions. Customer expectations are ideals of service that the customer has prior to the service situation and perceptions are measurement of the actual service experienced in the ser vice situation (Hoffman & Bateson 2001, 326.) Gap 1 is called “Company inability to understand what customers expect” Zeithaml et al. (2006, 35-38) agree that there is a gap between the customer expectations and how the company understands…show more content…
Management needs to ensure that employees have the skills and the proper tools to perform their jobs. Ineffective recruiting, lack of authorization and team work, role ambiguity or conflict, poor appraisals and compen sation are the cause of gap 3 (Kotler et al. 2006, 433.) Conversely, customers can also be the causes behind gap 3. If customers do not follow instructions, they risk deteriorating the service quality. Customers can also have nega tive impact on other customers by delaying the service situation and making others customers to wait. Difficulties can also arise in service intermediaries as it is difficult to control their performance quality. Hence, services cannot be stored for future demand so it is normal for service companies to experience lack of capacity. Varying the size of the employee pool and marketing strategies such as price changes, advertising and mar ket segment can help in closing the gap (Zeithaml et al. 2006, 39-42.) Gap 4 is called “Inability for a company to keep promise”. The difference between…show more content…
(Zeithaml et al. 2006, 42-43.) Kotler et al. (2006, 434) suggest that companies have to be sure that customers are not misled and companies’ services are delivered according to the promise. If the company does not keep promises and causes disappointment between customers, then this gap will occur. For instance, if a hotel room image on internet or information does not match what the customers perceive when they arrive into hotel, thus there is a gap and this may cause customers not trust any services that such a hotel will provide. Gap 5 is known as “Inability to satisfy customers’ wants and needs”. This gap represents the difference between expected service and perceived service and it functions for other four gaps. Rise or fall in any of the other gaps affects gap 5 in same order. In order to satisfy customers, they should not receive below what they expected from ser vice. This five-gap dimension supports in understanding the potential problem that re lated to service quality. It provides insight into delivery of quality service and aids to close those gaps that may occur in services (Kotler et al. 2006, 434-435.) 2.5 Customer satisfaction

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