Advantage And Disadvantage Of Technology

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There are many advantages from technology to develop on business but there also many disadvantages from them. Some person argues that science can destroy people because organization trust on technology to work replace humans. But machines and robots are complicated for employees to use and has more expenses for the company (Jin Sun and Wellesley, 2015). Furthermore, technology makes people hard to find a job and destroy business when it has a problem. Technology is a convenience to use or manage but it can result to people lazy to do work because of them accustomed to using technology and machines. Moreover, to use many technologies, it may increase waste products into the environment and hard to protect because many companies almost use the…show more content…
Many companies are packing machines on production it can increase production efficiency, this is beneficial to business because it helps to save cost and save time to deliver, but it is effective to employees because machines get to replace them. According to Washington University in St. Louis; Advances in technology impact value of workers' skills; (2004), technology advance make organization have to hire less because machines can work automate processes and do the work of 10 employees with one machine, many organization do not need to hire many employees due to machines have a progress and more effectively, this is result make many people lose their jobs. Furthermore, if the organization use communication technology system for training employees, they may have to pay more money to train for how to use technology effectively. At the same time, some people do not have money enough to pay for training they might not get work in the company (Ramey, 2013). Ramey argued that if a company decides to use machines to work in almost every process, they might not need more labor and this causes people to lose jobs. For example, in a pastry shop business, shop owners often use electronic thermometers to control and report room temperature. The pastry shops usually haves only one staff to keep track of result on the computer. This a good way to use technology in the business but it makes a…show more content…
Pollutants are a danger to public health and lead to global phenomena like the greenhouse effect and climate change. In addition, if the areas have a heavily polluted make it hard for companies to work and employ a worker because when they produced goods it may not secure and make less quality, many companies want places with less pollution to operation in business (Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2015). While population and industry grow there is the problem of waste displacement and recycle waste in business. The community has a lot of waste people do not know how to disposal it correctly they often use buried in a landfill and incinerate which it harms and destroys the environment especially burning garbage lead to air pollution (First Carbon Solutions, 2015). However, atmosphere change is a large issue in global it affects to social, economic political, encashment of product and agricultural productivity. For example, when atmosphere change makes increased temperature and carbon dioxide levels it makes wheat stress and reduces their yields because wheat may grow in cool temperatures. Agriculturist has to use chemical pesticides and fertilizers in order to keep yields but it is dangerous to human health (First
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