The Pros And Cons Of Dualism

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The human being is made of components which include tangible and intangible sections. Without these components, it is impossible for the normal coordination when performing various tasks or making decisions. The philosophical world has a strong view and a diversity of the dualism topic. The existence of two equally influential parts or factors of life forms the basis of the dualism theory. This includes the beliefs of good and evil, devil and God, and other independent and equally influential factors act in support of the theory. The two sides of life are governed by independent principles and rules while the results of taking one factor are directly the opposite of taking the other. Dualism is expressed in various ways. To start with, there…show more content…
Each plays by its specific rules without influencing each other. The role played by either of the two factors of life is important to every member. Whenever a person chooses to follow the good choices, positive things happen. The opposite happens when a person indulges in evil things (Robinson, 2016). These two have to exist together for the person to select their most desired attribute. Their sources are also not the same since they are independent. Therefore, no one is obliged to take any of them rather it is a personal decision depending on the likely outcomes as desired by the…show more content…
The first one is the property dualism. This relates the mind to independent properties rather than a distinct substance emanating from the brain. The properties of the mind, therefore, are identified through the arrangement of various properties such as interactionism and occasionalism. The second type is the substance dualism. This theory deals with the independent nature of the mind as a substance (Pierce, 2008). The mind is likened to the immortal souls which do not need space for existence. Therefore, the mind performs its functions without being limited by the region of space that it has. Epistemological dualism is another type which explains the subject. This can be explained by the fact that there is the real thing and a representation of the same. An example is given of the fact that we live in a consciously experienced world rather than the real one which is internally represented. Lastly, we have the predicate dualism which supports the use of several propositions to bring sense into an issue. This type of dualism also argues the impossibility of making the psychological believes to be expressed in the physical nature or in the natural language (Robinson,
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