
Page 42 of 50 - About 500 essays
  • Displacement In Development

    1750 Words  | 7 Pages

    After independence when India launched the task of nation building, it chose the path of planned development. This was flagged off with the launching of Five-Year Plans. Since economic development was conspicuously poor, planners focused more on economic development defined mainly as the growth of GNP, which was symbolized by new factories, dams, mega projects, mining etc (Kaviraj 1996: 116). Dams were even referred to as the ‘temples of modern India’ and as symbols of progress and prosperity. Though

  • The Importance Of Gender Equality

    1757 Words  | 8 Pages

    Gender equality is the term used to describe all individuals, despite their gender, being granted equal opportunities within all regions in society’s structure. For gender equality to be achieved, society must value and understand the role of males and females identically. Based on history, men are shown to have a more predominant role in the world, with women experiencing unequal treatment in the workforce and civil rights restrictions. In the past, countries that have taken the initiative to close

  • Swot Analysis Of Singapore

    1548 Words  | 7 Pages

    Financial Position a. Natural Resources Singapore is a set of islands of 710.2 sq km, located in South Asia between Malaysia and Indonesia. As in most islands, the climate of Singapore is tropical, with daily high temperatures moderated by the sea breezes and, thanks to the sea proximity, humidity and rainfalls throughout the year. The country’s territory consists in one main island and 60 smaller islets, which gives Singapore one of its main assets: 193 km of coastline. This coastline allows Singapore

  • Textile Industry In Angola Case Study

    1576 Words  | 7 Pages

    OVERVIEW OF TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN ANGOLA Angola’s textile industry is mostly dominated by activities related to cotton processing and encompassing the farming of cottonseed. For the past ten years, the clothing and textile sector in Angola has faced a number of challenges that have halted the production of cotton, thereby forcing the country to import raw-materials for the sector. In addition, several of Angola’s main garment manufacturers have faced significant setbacks, and almost all of the

  • Water Pollution Analysis

    1443 Words  | 6 Pages

    water quality. Due to unscientific way of dumping of solid waste, pollutants are being added to the ground water system through human activities and natural processes. Solid waste from industrial units is being dumped near the factories, which is subjected to reaction with percolating rain water and reaches the groundwater level. The percolating water picks up a large amount of dissolved constituents and reaches the aquifer system and contaminates the groundwater. Ambajogai city has selected in the

  • Conflict In Developing Countries

    1468 Words  | 6 Pages

    Developing Country is a nation which is compared to developed nations, it lacks in industrialization, infrastructure, developed agriculture developed natural resources, and suffers from a low per capita income as a result. Developing countries and developed countries are differentiating on the bases of attitude and freedom of choice. “A country where the average income of the people is much lower than that of developed countries, the economy depends upon a few export crops and where farming is conducted

  • Country Image In Literature

    1380 Words  | 6 Pages

    as a form of thought that is specific to whole nation (Nagashima, 1970). Bannister and Saunders (1978) also adopt this point of view and define country image as a sum of a country’s economic and political development, historical traditions, industrialization, foreign affairs and technological developments. Desborde (1990) claims that country image reflects a country’s culture, political structure, economic level and technological development. According to Kotler and Gartner (2002) each country is

  • US History: The Gilded Age

    1479 Words  | 6 Pages

    Calvin Fishman February 16, 2015 HIST 1025 2a. The period of US history known as the Gilded Age got this label because of the numerous internal issues troubling the country during this time of industrial growth. During this period, the United States changed from being focused on agriculture to a focus on industry and underwent many changes which made this industrial growth possible. A major contributor to the shift towards industry were the railroad companies who had substantial political and

  • Essay On Importance Of Art Education

    1700 Words  | 7 Pages

    Art: The Foundation of Creativity Introduction The once bare walls were now splashed with the vivid colors of the students’ art. Though the room appeared plain from a glance, it was contrasted by the students’ creative masterpieces. With further investigation, the room wouldn’t look as plain as it seemed; paint splattered the floor, graphite smeared every surface, and canvases lined the desks full of unfinished work. The imaginative creativity and devotion was evident on the thoughtful, fresh faces

  • Importance Of Industrial Relations

    1677 Words  | 7 Pages

    INTRODUCTION - IRTU Mechanical relations is a multidisciplinary field that studies the livelihood relationship. Industrial relations is progressively being called occupation relations or representative relations on account of the significance of non-modern job relationships; this move is now and again seen as further widening of the human asset administration pattern. Mechanical relations studies inspect different vocation circumstances, not only ones with a unionized workforce. Modern relations