Swot Analysis Of Singapore

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Financial Position a. Natural Resources Singapore is a set of islands of 710.2 sq km, located in South Asia between Malaysia and Indonesia. As in most islands, the climate of Singapore is tropical, with daily high temperatures moderated by the sea breezes and, thanks to the sea proximity, humidity and rainfalls throughout the year. The country’s territory consists in one main island and 60 smaller islets, which gives Singapore one of its main assets: 193 km of coastline. This coastline allows Singapore to be one of the world’s more powerful commercial hubs with one of the five busiest ports in terms of tonnage handled. Founded as a British colony in 1819, after being internally self-governed since 1959, became part of the Malaysian Federation…show more content…
Today’s Singapore economy is based in it’s strong manufacturing and services sectors, but there is, also, a wide range of businesses with a particular focus on high value added activities. One of the key elements Singapore has to attract foreign investment is its advanced infrastructure. The Transportation Network in Singapore covers air, land and water routes, for resident needs, tourism or trading necessities. Singapore is an aviation hub for Southeast Asia and a stopover between Sydney and London; its two major airports serve international flights. Three national airlines offer their services in this airport: Singapore Airlines, SilkAir and Scoot. There are 7 additional airports in the country, used for transportation and training flights. Land routes include roads and railroads. Singaporeans travel by car, although highly restricted because of pollution and overpopulation reasons. The government established high taxes and additional fees in order to limit car ownership; as a result only about 15 percent of Singaporeans own a car. There has been a huge investment in roads and expressways throughout Singapore. They also travel by foot, bicycle, bus, taxi and train. Two companies effectively manage the public bus and train transportation systems, the major public transport. Taxi rates are low, which makes them a popular…show more content…
But it’s not all perfect; Singapore has also one of the highest income inequalities among developed countries. Acute poverty is rare, but present, while in Singapore one out of six households are millionaires. d. Technological Knowledge Singapore is one of the most admired knowledge-based cities. Since the independence of Singapore in 1965, the government has aimed to craft Singaporean culture towards a more technology and innovation oriented way of doing business. The path laid by the state was to transform from port to industrial park to knowledge economy. Singapore’s ability to create and apply knowledge will be the key to sustaining its economic growth. e. Institutional Infrastructure A strong tradition of minimum tolerance for corruption is institutionalized in an efficient judicial framework, sustaining the rule of law in the dynamic economy. Making them one of the least corrupt countries in the

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