
Page 31 of 50 - About 500 essays
  • Customer Satisfaction In Banking

    780 Words  | 4 Pages

    Abstract Purpose of the study was to study the factors affecting customer satisfaction in banking sector of Pakistan and to find the connection between service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Research of the study is quantitative and surveys research method has been used in it. Data was collected from different such as: Khairpur and Sukkur. Results of his study show that there is important correlation between service quality and attributes and customer satisfaction. It also

  • The Importance Of Corporate Governance In Malaysia

    1532 Words  | 7 Pages

    The following year, the Finance Committee released its report on corporate governance which contained 70 recommendations pertaining to three board areas which is the development of the Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance outlining a set of principles and best practice for corporate

  • Loan Distribution In Bank Case Study

    1922 Words  | 8 Pages

    AGRICULTURE LOAN DISTRIBUTION IN RURAL AREA THROUGH GRAMIN BANK Keywords: Agriculture, Loan, Rural Area, Gramin Bank Motivation: Rural area people are mostly undeveloped and under privi- leged. They are afraid of Banking Transactions .So Gramin Bank boost their con dence and make them able to develop themselves. Gramin Bank pro- vides facilities like Loan Distribution, Credit cards, Depositing Money and many more. Implementation: This topic is about the loan distribution in Rural Areas. Algorithmic

  • Importance Of Technical Analysis

    1706 Words  | 7 Pages

    Survival Analysis on Technical Analysis of Stock Prices Introduction The stock prices of a company stock is the highest price that is someone is willing to pay for that stock or in other words the least price that it can purchased. Generally, it is assumed that stock prices usually follow random walk and thus concept of Random Walk is used to model the behaviour of stock prices. This practice assumes that investor act rationally and without any biases. So at a moment the valuation of stock prices

  • Poverty In Developing Countries

    1540 Words  | 7 Pages

    revealed that microfinance has been an instrument to fight poverty and help the less privileged or the “unbanka-ble” to be able to access finance and live a promising life (Bateman 2010). To achieve developmental goals in developing countries, individuals, NGOs, and governments adopt microfinance as a tool to ensure comfortable lives among the poor. “Micro-finance allows the poor to protect, diversify and increase their income, the essential path out of poverty and hunger” (Littlefield, Morduch, and

  • Domestic Violence: Common Barriers Of Physical Abuse

    678 Words  | 3 Pages

    being hurt. Physical harm, if the abused is trying to leave or after they try to call the cops. Threats that the abusive person might commit suicide or hurt their partner or kids. Economic necessity, the abuser may try to control finances or try to be the sole source of finances for the family. Lack of resources or information, available resources such as lack of transportation. Shelters are full and they have no safe place to go. Hope that their partner will change. Failure of the criminal justice system

  • IFFCO Case Study

    1048 Words  | 5 Pages

    a. Purchase Department b. Storage Department a. PURCHASE DEPARTMENT This department is related to all other Department of the company like Finance & Account The material Department is mainly divided into two broad categories. b. STORAGE DEPARTMENT Not only the purchase department but also the storage department is important for the material department. There are two sub-department of the storage

  • The Importance Of Financial Accounting

    1109 Words  | 5 Pages

    every business will handle finances. This makes financial accounting practices are important. Financial accounting can drive a business to success and can show an owner where there is room for improvement. It also allows outsiders like investors and stock holders to know the health of a company

  • Punjab National Bank Sensitivity Analysis

    5619 Words  | 23 Pages

    banking, industrial finance, agricultural finance, financing of trade and international banking. Among the clients of the bank are multinational companies, Indian conglomerates, medium and small industrial units, exporters and non-resident Indians. The large presence and vast resource base have helped the bank to build strong links with trade and industry.

  • Primary Causes Of The French Revolution

    996 Words  | 4 Pages

    was the largest and most productive portion of the French population. They paid the most taxes, yet benefited the least and had no political influence. Furthermore, there were food shortages caused by frequent famines. King Louis XVI, wasn’t a finance wizard and badly mismanaged France’s money and acquired a lot of debt by supporting wars abroad, i.e. the American Revolution. The French people grew tired of debates about political and social reforms without seeing any real results. The middle