Primary Causes Of The French Revolution

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Some of the primary causes of the French Revolution were a strict class structure, heavy debt, and high taxes. France was a land with a minority ruling class of nobility that had contempt for the common people and their suffering. The commoners or ‘middle class’ was the largest and most productive portion of the French population. They paid the most taxes, yet benefited the least and had no political influence. Furthermore, there were food shortages caused by frequent famines. King Louis XVI, wasn’t a finance wizard and badly mismanaged France’s money and acquired a lot of debt by supporting wars abroad, i.e. the American Revolution. The French people grew tired of debates about political and social reforms without seeing any real results. The middle class, most effected by the harsh economic and social conditions, opted for change through violence. King XVI and the nobility class were ousted! The time and conditions were right for change and revolution. One result of the French Revolution that benefited all aspects of society was the abandonment of the rigid class structure. While one theme that remained constant, was the people’s desire for the government to change. These concepts will be the basis of this paper. In the…show more content…
The rigid class system needed to change in order for the all of France’s citizens to support the government. The French Revolution of 1789-1799 was one of the most important events in history and led to many changes in France. One constant during this time period was the people’s resolve to enact a government that listened to the voice of the people. The French Revolution led to the development of new political forces such as democracy and nationalism and questioned the authority of kings, priests, and nobles. The Revolution also gave new meanings and new ideas to the
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