World In Six Glasses

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Even though we have many drinks in the world, do we actually think about where or how they came to be? “A History of The World in Six Glasses” by Tom Standage is a non-fiction book that delineates the history of the six most important drinks that mankind discovered, developed and enjoyed throughout time. Beer was created by soaking grains. Wine was grown in the Neolithic period. Spirits were produced from fermented wine. Coffee was discovered in the Middle East. Tea rose at the same time as coffee. Coca-Cola was created by mixing the coca leaf with kola nut and water. These six drinks became symbols of the times or beliefs and emotions of the nations that they impacted. Beer, wine, spirits, coffee, tea, and Coca-Cola caused many countries to…show more content…
The origin of tea is unknown, however China claims they were the first to brew and drink it, “specifically the emperor Shen Nung” (Standage 177). Tea eventually moved its way to Europe, where they first drunk green tea. Tea helps us understand world history because women weren’t permitted to drink tea, thus symbolizing women’s steps to freedom. It represents an understanding in trade because tea provided a foundation for wide trade in the east. It actually caused an expansion in the Tang Dynasty. The very last drink is Coca-Cola, “the embodiment of America and its values” (Standage 225). In 1877, soda was mass produced and in 1886, John Pemberton made Coca-Cola by mixing syrups and sparkling water. At that time, the coca plant was used to give the drink its stimulating effect. After prohibition, they stopped using the coca plant in exchange for sugar. Eventually, Coca-Cola sales were high because it could be sold anywhere. It opens up our understanding of world history because it was a global superhero that was morale building and essential for World War II. Coca-Cola was the most globalized drink in the world because of the effect it had on its consumers. It helps us understand trade because during WWII, it was distributed overseas because it was refreshing and non-intoxicating. From all of this, people saw it represented freedom, democracy and free market
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