World In 6 Glasses

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As a new student of a world history class I was required to read Tom Standage’s bestseller A History of the World in 6 Glasses. Standage descriptively and creatively shows the history of the world in a different point of view from that of which we are used to. He begins by starting in the Neolithic period with a crucial staple, beer. From beer, wine, and spirits, to coffee, tea and Coca-Cola, the novel shows the history and importance of these six drinks. I can say in all honestly that when first beginning to read this book it seemed dull and repetitive. After giving more of an open mind I soon discovered how fascinating and informative Standage’s well-documented account of history really was. In A History of the World in 6 Glasses a reader’s…show more content…
Beer was more stumbled upon rather than intentionally made and in the beginning years was considered to be magic since no one understood the process of fermentation. Persons of different social class, age, race, and gender consumed beer; the widespread consumption of beer through the people of Mesopotamia and Egypt further progressed domestication of grains and farming as a whole. Beer was a contributing factory to many forerunners of important innovations and changes to the typical way of life. Due to the fact that the cereal grain used to make beer was becoming domesticated, farming methods and equipment were discovered to help speedup the beer making process. As a staple to both rich and poor it only makes sense that beer soon transformed into a social drink, religious offering, and also a form of payment or trade. At the time it was widely known that water was usually dangerous to drink but the reasons for this were not discovered until much later. Due to the making process and boiling of water, beer was a safe alternative that kept society healthy. Global popularity of this newfound slightly alcoholic drink contributed to the increase to trade, agriculture, health, urban settlement, and even the evolution of
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