Religious Allegory In Lord Of The Flies, By William Golding

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In the novel “lord of the flies”, W. Golding relies on religious allegory to highlight the problem of the good and the evil inside humankind. In his opinion, the author considers the evil as the man’s innate trait and without the moral values, the man turn to savages. To prove that, Golding uses three events that resembles to the incidents in the Genesis. First, the island symbolizes the Garden of Eden in its beauty, safety, and food. When the boys arrive to the island, they live in such civilization because they set rules and they follow them. However, as long as they stay in the island, their evil appears and develops until they turn to savage and they start destroying the island and so its resources. Golding shows how the goodness could be a restriction to the boys’ evil and protect them from being savages. The good is the only moral principle that can stand against the evil and help maintain the order.…show more content…
Even though they are both different force, as the serpent symbolizes the external power (Lucifer) and the beast symbolizes the internal power (the evil), they play the same role in revealing the evil and disobeying the rules. The author shows that the boys who creates the beast and aggrandizes it until becomes a reality in their opinion and that they had to fight it. The boys’ willing to kill the beast, makes them more and more savages. Golding tries here to mention that if the boys did not consider the parachute man as a beast like the other character (Ralph, Piggy, and Simon) did, their evil would not grow in order to kill that beast, so they would not turn to savages. As the serpent affects Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, the beast affects the boys to become

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