Industrial Psychology Case Study

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Industrial Psychology, Organizational Psychology and Business Administration are fields that deal with the management of an organization or group of people. Even so, these three fields differ from each other. In industrial psychology, which is also called as personnel psychology, it focuses on people who are at work. It also responsible for providing such research methods and theories to personal management. By tradition, psychologists of this particular field have measured dissimilarities among each workers and have assessed each jobs. They also usually gave a helping hand to the employers to search and have the best person fit for a job, assess performance of a job, and the employee’s training. They must also determine first of what skills,…show more content…
A part of their work is an investigation of factors that have been originated to correlate to satisfaction, including absenteeism, age, employee turnover, pay, and unions’ attitudes. Correspondingly, they study also motivation for the reason that there are evidences that propose that mutually ability and motivation are essential for employees to do well in their jobs. As a matter of fact, they also are responsible for system development on develop systems on good performance rewards, and they reshape works for greater advantage and dispute. Furthermore, they also have what makes an effective leader. Another reason why is because they aid identification of a good leader personality traits and the kinds of front-runners who ought to be carefully chosen for the specific position. Additionally, they give an assistance of efficacy maximization through reshaping the authority positions or the organizations’ communication. They can also labor to expand the efficiency of an organization through addressing physical factors such as work schedules, design of its tools and equipment, and levels of…show more content…
This ethics code contains standards of conduct in ten (10) areas. These are specifically resolving ethical issues, competence, human relations, privacy and confidentiality, advertising and other public statements, record keeping and fees, education and training, research and publication, assessment and therapy. According to Knapp, there are some phases of the code that the industrial psychologists must have awareness and concern, for the reason that these principles and provisions can be violated so easily if they are not aware with these. The inclusions mentioned and specified were confidentiality, provisions regarding informed consent, competence boundaries, institutional review boards (IRBs), struggles to avoid misuse of work, and explicit identification of the client. An example of this is which nonacademic industrial psychologist commonly are not conscious of or they likely to ignore is inform consent which is a vital requirement in conducting a procedure. They usually by accident lessen issues of privacy addressed by their job for the reason that they often work with assessments and tests which they perceived that will only give a little likely for harm. However, some assessments highlights in the past behavior and personal traits of the specific individual, even if it is related on the job, can exposed the hole

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