Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Case Study

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Furthermore, Siti Nafeesah Binti Ishak had done a research on the topic of “Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Aktiviti Dakwah dalam Pembentukan Akhlak Jamaah dan Masyarakat Setempat”. The research shows about students' vision on advocacy activities in the formation of community and community ethics. This research is done at the 13 colleges, University of Technology Malaysia in Skudai, Johor. The researcher has chosen 150 students as a sample of study and conducted the survey. The results of the research indicate the activities of dakwah that have been conducted in the colleges 13 were influencing the formation of collective morality and society. The researcher suggests a few suggestions as a guide and enhancement for the responsible party and that this research will continue in the future. There was a research conducted by Salini Binti Mohd Salleh on topic “Persepsi Pelajar Terhadap Program Usrah Di SMKA (P) Al-Mashoor”. The study showed about the effectiveness of usrah by using questionare method in analyzing form 4 student’s perceptions at SMKA (P) Al-Mahsoor. Regarding to this, some issues emerged after the researcher interviewed…show more content…
Yusoff have conducted a study on “Agenda Hassan Al-Banna dalam Pembangunan Insan Menerusi Penulisan Karya Majmu’at Al-Rasail”. The purpose of this journal is to propose Imam Hassan Al-Banna in the formation of human ethics in the form of privacy called “10 specifications or characterization of education”. These attributes include the doctrine, worship, ethics, and other topics. The source of this journal from the classification of Imam Hassan al-Banna in his book named “Majmu’at Al-Rasail” which is available to be read by people of all ages. This journal is limited to ten pedagogical qualities for ease the readers to read and practice. All these ten pedagogical should be practice by all human especially the religion club members to improve themselves and society into a good

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