Women In British North America

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During the mid-eighteenth century, there was a remarkable diversity of people and different kinds of social organization in North America. The Spanish and English had a diverse view of the rights that provided liberty to their societies. Even though most men enjoyed rights that protected their freedom and liberties, this was not the case for women and servants who were the majority of the population in their colonies and were the ones with the least amount of rights. In British North America, white men who owned property were at the top of the social class pyramid. They were the ones who experienced the most liberties. For instance, the English society allowed these men who owned property to participating in the government elections by voting, which meant that just a small percentage of people were actually voting. Also, men were better educated, and held more social power including in their household, since in these times, it was a patriarchal society.…show more content…
For example, in marriage, women had the right to keep their own money, and when the husband died, half of the property that had been acquired through marriage went directly to the widow. When the widow died, if they had children, the daughters could inherit the property equally with the sons. Not only that, but women had the right to buy and sell land and represent themselves in court. Thus, it seemed as the women from Spain experienced a wider range of liberties. In contrast to women in British North America, who were looked down on. They had no power over property, and the only way they could take over their property was when their husband died, but even then, the wives could only control a third of their husband’s property. All of just lasts while the widow is alive. When she passes away, the property she had goes back to the husband’s
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