Chapter Summary: Making War And Republican Government

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Chapter 6: Making War and Republican Government The Trials of War, 1776-1778 the Declaration of Independence and Britain’s attacking with their military launched at the same time the beginning of the first few years, the Continental Army and the rebellion was barely surviving through their scattered victories - the harsh 1776-1777 winters made the Patriot’s cause even more insubstantial War in the North only a few Europeans gave the rebellions of the colonists a chance Great Britain’s population was greatly higher compared to the population of the colonies → this also meant that Britain would have more wealth since they are bigger Great Britain’s army was made up of 48,000 britons (a British citizen or native) Lord North planned to capture…show more content…
married women could not own property, have contracts, could not have separate identity from their husbands, etc. Only white men were full citizens in the new government - the slaves were not yet as well as the women The War’s Losers: Loyalists, Native Americans, and Slaves these people were all negatively affected by the war many Loyalists suffered financially - many ended up fleeing to Canada or other areas Native Americans were pushed further west off their land - they continually move more and more west as the US keeps pushing them Slaves did not gain freedom after the war The Articles of Confederation this created a weak central government & states had a lot of power each state had one equal vote in the national government - regardless of the size or population of the state in order to amend the Articles, unanimous approval was required - all 13 states had to agree the federal gov’t could: make treaties borrow money ask for tax money - could not tax forcefully but could ask for the states to…show more content…
The Federal Government or the States? - The Federal Government The People Debate Ratification Constitution would take effect when 9 out of 13 states ratified it - it’s not the 13 out of 13 states agreement anymore two groups emerged: Federalists - favored ratification (the strong central government) Anti- Federalists - did not favor ratification The Antifederalists - feared this centralized power - they were afraid that the government would become too much like the one they just broke away from, Great Britain didn’t like that the federal power increased at the states’ expense criticized the lack of a bill of rights - that there were no protections from the federal government Federalists Respond - they make a series of 85 articles which is also known as The Federalist Papers written by John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander

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