Examples Of British Loyalty In The Colonies

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By the eve of the American Revolution, the British colonies and even their inhabitants had drastically changed. The support for opposing sides would eventually create a division between loyal British colonists and American colonists. Although there was some loyalty to Britain and disunity among the colonies, they were ultimately overshadowed by the emergence of a brand new American identity and American unity between 1763 and 1776. Many colonists in North America before the Revolution remained loyal to the crown and expressed their desire to eradicate any growing tension. These colonists, known as Loyalists, made up approximately sixteen percent of the population. Many loyalists considered themselves to be “the better sort of people” while describing the Patriots, American rebels, as “lawless mobs” and unsurprisingly, “brutes.” Loyalty to the British king in the colonies was regarded and taught as a significant virtue for many generations. A vital example of strong British loyalty is seen in the Continental Congress in July 1775. In it, the congress adopted the Olive Branch Petition, which emphasized colonial loyalty to the British crown and requested that the king, King…show more content…
This disunity had become present from earlier times and continued throughout the French and Indian War, a war fought between the British and the French from 1754 to 1763 over territory. Additional colonial disunity is also seen throughout the war as well. Throughout the war, colonists were reluctant to support the British. Some traded with enemies like the Spanish and French, while others refused to provide soldiers and money for the war. Those who refused to provide for the war demanded the rights of Englishmen but did not want to accept the responsibilities of Englishmen as

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