CID Report: LTC Trombetta

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Based on COL Stanley J. Whidden’s statement in the CID report, LTC Trombetta has a history of falsifying documents in the past. This was substantiated in award for the CIB for non-infantry Soldier, at the time of the award he was CA Officer. Per LTC Trombetta’s statement, he went the home of COL Brackney (deceased) in found paperwork associated with the awards recommendation. Mrs. Marianne Brackney stated that since her husband’s death (COL Brackney’s spouse) in 2013, she has not be contacted by LTC Trombetta, and she does not know him nor COL Umber. LTC Thomas McNaugher, the battalion’s historian wrote the initial unit history while still in Kuwait. He did not know of any such fire fight and said it would unimaginable if something like

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