Women Buying Behaviour Case Study

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Roy & Saha (2007), stated that the purchasing behaviour of Indian women, after joining the workforce have changed their perception towards fashion clothing as well as clothing industry and this will change the market of women wear from unorganised sector to organised sector. Salim, E. I. M. (2014), describes that women's purchasing behaviour is affected by the knowledge and educational qualification. The awareness level of women towards market and specification of clothes reflects on their shopping pattern and selection of clothes. According to Nirbhan Singh & R. Sarvanan (2013), different factors like age groups, gender, occupation are the most influencing factors to determine women's buying behaviour. Other than these factors, there are some more factors such as culture, tradition,…show more content…
Some other factors such as status, durability and celebrity endorsement are found to be insignificant for determining buying behaviour. So marketers have to concentrate on the significant factors to retain the existing customers and attract new customers and also capture the market share and ignore the insignificant factors to reduce the extra efforts and extra cost. (Rajput, Kesharwani & Khanna, 2014). Raman, P. (2014), describe female buying behaviour towards online shopping. The most influencing factors that determine women buying decision are convenience, risk, performance and reliability. Among these factors, convenience is the most influencing factor in determining the female buying behaviour for online shopping. While risk, preference and reliability are the other influencing factors. This empirical study tried to develop a relationship between female attitude and online shopping. Hirst & Omar (2007), also state that online shopping enables the customers to distinguish it as a safe, convenient and fast mode of shopping. It is a new platform for retailers and manufacturers to sell their

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