Why School Should Start Later Research Paper

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Why Does School Needs to Start Later? Many students feel that school starts too early in the morning. There are many reasons why students think school should start later. One reason is extra time to complete homework. Another reason is if you get more sleep you won't be as tired in school. The last reason is if you have sports late at night you can sleep a little longer in the morning. School should start later for students so they are able to have extra time for homework and extra time to sleep. School should start later so that students have more time to get their homework done. Too many teachers complain about how students are not getting their homework done. This is because many kids are in extracurricular activities after school and many of them don't get home till late and by the time they are done taking a shower and eating they are worn out. Even though they are worn out they still have to do their homework because they don't have…show more content…
It is a proven fact by doctors that sleep helps you focus and learn better. Then teachers complain how students are falling asleep in class. The reason for that is because they do not get enough sleep. Students would be able to have better grades if they were able to sleep longer in the morning. If kids were able to sleep longer in the morning then they would be able to focus and learn a lot better. The last reason is students have extracurricular activities after school and don't get home till late at night. Many students can tell you that they have activities after school and don't get home till late and still have to do homework. It starts to get to much and then at school students are tired. If school started later then kids would be able to wake up before school and get their homework done without being tired. School should start later for kids that don't get home until late at night so they are able to do their homework in the
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