School Dress Codes In Schools

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A high school senior once said, "We were made to be different; we were not made to be uniform” (Kizis). In this quote, the opinions of many students about school dress codes is represented in one sentence. School dress codes were created by schools in order to keep students focused on their education instead of things like gang violence, girls, political opinions, etc. Based off of studies conducted by Sam Houston State University, there is no significant impact on learning because of dress codes, yet they are still being used in schools all across the country (Krystyniak). According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, twenty percent of schools required a dress code in 2014 and since then, the number as increased (Truong).…show more content…
In regards to restricting self expression, school dress codes take away girls’ differences, prevent personal opinions from being shared, and deny them their constitutional right of freedom of speech. Regarding diminishing confidence, school dress codes diminish girls’ confidence by putting them through embarrassment, body shaming them, and teaching them that their appearance is more important than their education. Lastly, in regards to establishing a platform for sexism in later years, school dress codes impact girls by teaching boys that women are objects, valuing the education of the male students over the girls, and targeting the girls more with these dress code rules. This research matters because it shows the effects of placing dress codes in schools on girls. Most schools have these dress codes. These issues that are occurring because of the dress codes are becoming common because of how common having a dress code is in society. By informing people of these statistics and feelings that these girls in these schools are dealing with, it could lead to a future with decrease of sexism in later years, the keeping of these girls’ confidence at a high, and keeping the ability to express themselves…show more content…
"Educators' Dress Code Study Shows Numerous Positive Effects." Sam Houston State University, 15 June 2001, Accessed 12 Feb. 2018. Lovell, Kara. "Girls Are Equal Too: Education, Body Politics, and the Making of Teenage Feminism." Gender Issues, 2016., Accessed 15 Feb. 2018. Schmitt, Hayley. "The Real Impact of School Dress Codes." Odyssey, 3 Oct. 2016, Accessed 8 Feb. 2018. Sherwin, Galen. "5 Things Public Schools Can and Can’t Do When It Comes to Dress Codes." ACLU, 30 May 2017, Accessed 9 Feb. 2018. "Should Schools Tell You How to Dress?", Scholastic, Oct. 2017, Accessed 12 Feb. 2018. Truong, Ivy. "Having a Dress Code Is No Reason to Sacrifice Your Unique Style." BND, 4 Aug. 2016, Accessed 13 Feb.

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