Academic Success

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Often, we set out to do something and may not be fully prepared. We may have pondered it greatly and committed to it, yet our levels of readiness and ability to complete the task were not quite up to the challenge. Once you understand the basic expectations, it is easy to create your academic success. The main concepts to a successful academic year are self-discipline, time management, and preparation. It is very important to have self-discipline when you are in college. Yes, there are a lot of things going on outside of the classroom and who doesn’t want to have fun but, you must always remind yourself why you are in college in the first place. College is much different than high school and you will have to sacrifice some things. Some classes…show more content…
It is very important to have the proper preparation for your school work especially exams. If you know you have a test on Saturday but you’re going out with your friends Friday what do you do? If you were smart you would have started studying already on Monday throughout the week so that by Friday you will have remembered everything you may have read so that you don’t have to worry about studying and you can go out with your friends. Memorization is one of the key strategies to prepare for a test. Some of us can read something once and it will stick, but reading something over and over will insure you to remember all you need to know. Another thing I like to use is flash cards, it’s easy to make and are awesome study tools. You can carry them anywhere with you and you can have someone quiz you on them. Reviewing your notes are also helpful with all the highlighted information that you think is important and will be on your test is important. You should never cram the night before a test makes sure you plan enough time so that you will be properly prepared. You should also be well rested because if you try to cram the night before you will not be at your best the next day be wiser and prepare…show more content…
Are you willing to make the proper sacrifices and give up time to complete your goals? Are you willing to stick it through to the end no matter how hard it may get? As I stated before college is no joke and is a totally different mindset from high school. The bottom line is, for you to be successful in college or in life you must practice or develop the characteristics of self-discipline or without it you're doomed. Make sure you set the proper time up so that you can complete your assignments. Make a list and check them off as you complete them. Don’t try to do it all at one time it’s ok to set some things aside for later completion just as long as you get them done and on time. Make sure you are prepared, take good notes and study them so that you will be fully prepared come testing time. Don’t do things last minute for you may fail and later regret not making a plan ahead of
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