Why Obtain A College Degree

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I was motivated to pursue my college degree because I wanted better for myself and for the family that I know I will have someday. At one point straight after high school I went to community college but I wasn't able to finish due to personal issues. And from there I would tell myself that I would go back to finish what I started but then years went by. So I stop delaying the process of furthering my education and just settling for any job that said I was hired, I wanted more. I wanted a better job in something that I loved and wanted to wake up each day knowing that I am happy to work in a career field that dreamed about and always wanted to do. I knew that the price of learning is endless and can be expensive but being able to expand my knowledge is a amazing thing and do so in my career path. Purpose…show more content…
Knowing that jobs that once have closed their doors on me would now be open to me because I'm more qualified. Being able to be satisfied with my job choice and knowing that I have job stability. Doing it for my family, friends and they people who said I wouldn't be able to do so. I want to be proud of myself doing something and finishing it even when the odds are stacked against me. Being able to have an secure my future and having a better lifestyle then I once had. Values By seeking a college degree I'm demonstrating values for myself , my future into having a better life. It would show that I am taking accountability of my accomplishments in all that it took to get where I am. Achievement of improving my academic skills and abilities. Even the commitment and determination do the work even when it get hard and not giving up. And taking in to account of the lesson that I will be learning to help improve my daily life and job opportunities.

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