Why Medical Field

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Luckily, last summer I had the opportunity to volunteer at Mercy Hospital. My job as a volunteer was to assist the technicians. When immersed in a hospital setting, I saw a lot of different people. From people coming in to get a kidney stone removed to a woman expecting a baby. By seeing all of these different people, I realized the reasons why I love the medical field. Patient 1: A man recently came out of surgery for realigning a bone from an ATV accident. He had multiple tubes and wires prodded in him which instantly fueled my curiosity. The man noticed how I was interested about his case and asked if I wanted to see his X-Rays. At that moment someone could have mistaken me as a kid on Christmas Day. I could see the two extremely unaligned bones, and I could see where the doctors placed the metal rods to help hold the bones in place. After I saw this, I asked the technician about a million questions after…show more content…
I have had a interest in medicine since I was little and looking through anatomy books in the library. It is so vast with so much to learn about and continue to learn. I have a thirst for knowledge. So when I like something, I want to know everything about that subject. In this case it is medicine. Patient 2: This patient was a woman recovering from surgery and my job was to make her bed. One of the first things I noticed was a small figurine of a religious figure she had by her. When I was done, the woman asked if I saw it. I replied yes and she told me that it blesses everyone who comes into the room. She said she prayed for me and was thankful for everything I did for her as well. The medical field is one of the few fields where someone works directly with clients or patients. Because of this, people in medicine can see the emotional side of people. I'm the type of person who wants to see the end result of my hard work and the end result for a doctor's work is seeing the patient happy and

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